The Weird Girls Project is an ongoing art film series created and produced by concept artist Kitty Von-Sometime. It is created to empower the women/womxn who take part.
Fed up of the media marketing of what a woman’s figure should look like and the effect it had on women imposing boundaries to themselves, Kitty started making these pieces, using the music video format to put exposure on the variety of shapes and sizes that make us who we are.
The Project grew to push beyond beauty constraints to focus on self confidence as a whole, encouraging value in the individual and strength of community. The overarching aim of The Project is to increase confidence by pushing boundaries.
Participants are unaware of any part of the plan until they turn up. The only thing they know in advance is the date of the Episode and the theme song. The surprise includes the concept, location and costumes.
For over three months Kitty and the crew plan the piece in secret, and it culminates in a day’s shooting which becomes a photo series and film.
The main element of the project is ‘release to the unknown’ and apart from the film, the Project focuses on the event itself and how the participants react, improvise and morph within costume, learning about their power of self combined with the strength of coming together as a group.
It started in a very naive style with the end media showing little to no experience and it has matured throughout the life of The Project. Kitty creates the concept and directs each event and in addition has designed and edited on varying Episodes but always draws in the talents of different photographers, costume makers and cinematographers to bring the concept to life forming a constantly fluid collaborative element.
The Project uses voluntary individuals rather than engaging professional performers or models and part of the ethos is to develop increased self-confidence, especially focusing on body issues and a release of inhibitions. The women are varying in ages, backgrounds and experience, and do not necessarily know each other before the day.
Most participants take part just to have fun, but many often also have an aim to break through specific personal barriers. This can be regarding body confidence, fear of being different or stepping out of their daily patterns.
The Project is open to female identifying persons from all backgrounds above the legal age of responsibility.