The No Seeing Eye documentary film follows the entire production of Episode 7 of The Weird Girls Project. Filmed and produced by Hrafn Jónsson and Oddur Ástraðsson. They followed the episode from its conception in December right up to the event itself.
Kitty was invited to produce this episode at The Northern Wave Film Festival in Grundarfjörður. Kitty worked with photographer Kristinn Magnússon to produce the concept outside with the stunning surroundings of the area. The giant swathes of fabric represented a fresh canvas with which the women themselves became artwork.
Kitty took inspiration for the giant eye from her new and not yet announced pregnancy, feeling that her unborn child was entirely reliant on it’s mother’s vision and behaviour during its time unable to see out from inside her.
Producer, Concept and Artistic Direction: Kitty Von-Sometime
Official Photographer: Kristinn Magnússon
Behind the Scenes Photographer: Sara Johanna
Costumes: White dresses by Fiona Cribben and Magga Sigga. Pink suits by Zhang Jie. Masks by Sunna Ben.
Head Runner: Fríða Einarsdóttir
Assistant Runner: Eva Björg
Documentary makers: Oddur Ástraðsson, Hrafn Jónsson and Michael Todd
Music: Paul Zyla